Immigrants Are Los Angeles
The Immigrant Integration Task Force (IITF) is the foundational body for the Immigrants Are LA (IRLA) campaign, composed of over 100 immigrant rights and services organizations in Los Angeles County. The IITF has been convening in LA County for ten years and has played a key role in the implementation of countywide, large-scale initiatives to promote and expand access to critical programs and immigration legal services such as DACA, Unaccompanied Minors, Driver’s Licenses (AB60), and Citizenship.
The IRLA campaign is led by a Steering Committee made up of six immigrant-serving organizations. Those organizations include the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), Coalition for Humane Immigrant Rights (CHIRLA), Council of Mexican Federations in North America (COFEM), Inclusive Action for the City, Pilipino Workers Center, and the Translatin@ Coalition.
Our Vision
Immigrants Are LA envisions a socially, economically, and politically empowered diverse immigrant community working to secure an equitable COVID recovery and build a just LA County for all.
Goal #1
Secure equitable and robust LA County budget investments from the American Rescue Plan and other funding streams for the betterment of life of the immigrant community that makes up 35% of LA County residents.
Goal #2
Strengthen and grow the power building capacity and leadership of LA County’s diverse immigrant communities to advocate for a transparent, equitable, and participatory County budget process.
Goal #3
Influence the design, implementation, and operationalization of programs and services that the immigrant community is eligible for within LA County.

Our Priorities
IRLA calls on the LA County Board of Supervisors and the Chief Executive Office to ensure that immigrant Angelenos reach the promise of an equitable recovery by: