Mental Health
Our new program, Let's Talk About Mental Health, aims to improve awareness, accessibility, and the de-stigmatization of mental health in the Eastern Coachella Valley and Blythe. As part of this program, we offer informative workshops as well as spaces to practice self-care activities such as art, yoga, ceramics, and more.
In May, National Mental Health Awareness Month, the Coachella Valley office launched the Mental Health program in collaboration with Vision y Compromiso.
Post-Pandemic Stress Workshop
On Wednesday, June 29, we offered the first workshop of the Let's Talk About Mental Health series. In this workshop we talked about Post-Pandemic Stress and how self-care activities, such as painting, can help us relieve stress and improve our mental health.

Upcoming Workshops
For more information, contact Elia Moreno
(760) 464-8015
Post-Pandemic Stress Workshop
Mental Health Resources
Counseling, psychological services, help centers, and more.